Thank you for sharing your ILR with us, Learning Pod 8! I really enjoyed looking through the slides and I think using Google Slides was a good choice for your topic. I am a firm believer in brain breaks and I found them an absolute must for any level of teaching. Your ILR is also very user friendly, probably young students would be able to navigate through it too. The table of contents is useful and makes it easy to navigate through your thorough resource. Nicely done!

The learning theory and design rationale is clear and building your resource on behaviourism and constructivism is the perfect choice. I also agree with picking the guided inquiry model for this topic and it also gave me an idea of what to expect from your lesson plans. The learning context is simple and well-explained. Learning online makes it accessible for a larger audience and adding voiceover will benefit more populations besides ELL learners and students with dyslexia. 

Your description/rationale of the learning design is supported with evidence and cited properly. I liked the description of your topic and how you included some examples as well so the reader who is unfamiliar with the subject has an idea of what to expect.

Nicely done with including the downloadable plan, so teachers are able to keep their notes for future use.

You did an excellent job with outlining the what, when and how for your topics and your activities reflect that. After going through your resource, the learner will have a great understanding of brain breaks and will be equipped with not only great online tools but plenty of ideas to use in the classroom.

The only thing I was not able to find was the assessment plan besides that each learner will send in their worksheet. How will they know if they are on the right track when going through the activities? I think a good idea would be to include some formative assessment in the process to monitor their progress and to give feedback. I would also consider including a final assessment plan so learners are aware of that from the beginning.

Overall, you did an excellent job with your ILR and any teacher would find it helpful.