My V&R Map represents most of the online platforms I use daily.

  • Most of the platforms I use as a visitor and don’t create much content like Netflix, Google Search, Pinterest and Spotify.
  • For work and my courses, I use Google Drive a lot for collaboration and creating content for my students.
  • Facebook, Instagram and Strava have my personal account to share content, connect and collaborate.
  • Although I have separate email accounts for work and personal use, I sometimes connect with my professional network through my personal emails as I see it fit.

What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?

The digital platforms used by students for developing their professional network depends on their experience with the platform and with their network. While some might prefer connecting with their PLN through email, Google Drive or LinkedIn; some may use Tik Tok, blogs, Twitter or Facebook. I think Twitter and LinkedIn might be considered more for building professional networks, and Tik Tok and Facebook are more for personal connections; however, many people network and build digital professional identities through Facebook.

What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?

Depending on the student’s experience and comfort level, it’s always a good idea to expand one’s professional network by exploring new platforms and ways to connect. This not only takes time and patience but also could be a great learning experience that the student might benefit from in the long term. Also, in order to keep up with the ever-changing technology, one should be up-to-date and open not only for the newest platforms but also for the ones that are commonly used by their profession.