Inclusion in Education and PLN in Education are the 2 posts for marking.
Here is the link to our final project with abrucks, dainavanrijt and myself.
Consider our guest and their steps in building a podcast relying on a PLN. From the interview with Mo Amir we learned how he built and expanded his PLN while using a podcast to connect and to engage with them…. Continue Reading →
What is media literacy? In this week’s reading, Learning for Life in Our Times, media literacy is described as having the skills “to access, analyze, evaluate and create messages in a variety of forms, build an understanding of the role… Continue Reading →
Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes of a PLN in a professional capacity. I found this week’s interview with Brad Baker very interesting and I appreciated hearing about how he has been building his PLN. During his… Continue Reading →
What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community? By having a diverse and inclusive PLN, we benefit from hearing other perspectives… Continue Reading →
Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space – what are the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official)? Engaging with a public audience… Continue Reading →
How would you create a PLN prior to engaging in a social media campaign on a topic of your choice? I chose Personal Training as a topic since I have previous experience in this field and in targeting specific audiences…. Continue Reading →
Hi Marissa, I was able to relate to your post and experiences very much. I enjoy being the listener and learner in my network, as I feel that many are more experienced than I am and sharing my bit of… Continue Reading →
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